Peers and iPads


English Class second graders showed English Class first graders how use iPads properly today. The children were paired off in partners or groups of three. The second graders showed how to hold the iPad properly, how to operate it, including closing app’s and when and how to charge the iPad.


After carefully demonstrating the rules and use of iPads, second graders also showed how to use the camera feature of the iPad to take photos. The first graders were asked to photograph four things anywhere in the school: a plant, a window, a door and a chair.


If time remained the first graders, along with their second grade peer mentors, were allowed to play one of two app’s: My Mosaic or Equalities (< = >).   This was an invaluable learning experience for all involved.

One comment on “Peers and iPads

  1. Joanne Morrison says:

    These little guys learn this technology so quickly and are able to explain and pass it on to others. My granddaughter is so missed – she was my teacher.

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